Dear parents, this is a letter from the angels to you ….
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Dear parents, this is a letter from the angels to you ….

If you could have a personal conversation with the angles about being a parent, about your fears and dreams, this is what they would say to you.

The act of being a parent is one of the most significant and important experiences that you will have as a human being. Your child will play the role of teacher as often as they need to be taught, and they will be the one who loves you more often than they need to be nurtured. The angels want to give you context for your life and for your little one’s experience and their journey, to help you flow together more easily.

What SolePath means to me…

What SolePath means to me…

If you are wondering whether SolePath can truly help you feel happier, here’s what some members of our SolePath community have to say.
Svend is a hockey coach and life coach, Vanessa a doctor of acupuncture, Kristine an engineer, Jerilyn an interior designer and Mario a Qi Gong teacher. Here’s what SolePath means to them …

A radio interview with Dr. Janice Brown, on becoming a better parent to her children, Isabelle and Brianna.

A radio interview with Dr. Janice Brown, on becoming a better parent to her children, Isabelle and Brianna.

An interview with Dr. Janice Brown on parenting and how to find tools that really help with communicating with her children. How to become a better parent to her children, to find more breathing room in the day-to-day challenges.

“Knowing my children’s SolePath really helps and changes the interaction between us all.”

Solving problems, understanding behaviour, feeling happier. SolePath and your children.

Your Child’s SolePath
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Your Child’s SolePath

Your child experiences their LightPaths in the same way that you do. Everything that is going well for them is the result of their LightPath gifts. They feel loved, valued, appreciated and seen from their LightPaths. Their self-worth is fundamentally tied up with you loving and accepting them for who they are, for who they are born to be and for the SolePath they have chosen for their life.

It’s a little different for the DarkPath. Children only start to experience their DarkPath as negative and collapsing around ten years of age. Before that time, they simply experience all parts of their SolePath braid, two LightPaths and one DarkPath, as their personality characteristics.

How SolePath can help you be a GREAT parent
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How SolePath can help you be a GREAT parent

Everyone is born with a SolePath. It is your unique, individual, energetic personality profile. ‘Sole’ because it is solely about you. ‘Path’ because it guides you on your life’s journey. SolePaths are determined through SolePath Institute energetic measurements.

For you, as a parent, your SolePath is a deep journey of awareness, and you’ll come to know yourself and your child at entirely different levels. Knowing what makes you happy and knowing what trips you up will help explain why you behave the way you do.

Do you need help understanding why you continue to fall back on habits and behaviours that do not help you and get in the way of your happiness? When you know your SolePath, you can be the parent you always dreamed you’d be, and you can be the parent your child needs you to be.

Inspirational SolePath parents are role models for their children.

Inspirational SolePath parents are role models for their children.

As an Inspirational parent, your parenting superpower is your Turbo Power. You are an inspirational person who has strength, creates order and connections, who values freedom. Discover how these gifts and greatness can be used to help you be the best parent that you can be.

Inspirational’s are the worlds role models. The four Inspirational SolePaths are Inspirational Conformist, Inspirational Humanitarian, Inspirational Manager and Inspirational Teacher.

Spiritual SolePath parents are strong, steady and wise.

Spiritual SolePath parents are strong, steady and wise.

As a Spiritual parent, your parenting superpower is Extrasensory Perception. You are a spiritual observer who is wise, has faith and is a mystical explorer. Discover how these gifts and greatness can be used to help you be the best parent that you can be.

Spiritual’s life experience is exploring beliefs. The three Spiritual SolePaths are Spiritual Balance, Spiritual Mystic and Spiritual Balance.

Intellectual SolePath parents are logical, methodical and truly kind.

Intellectual SolePath parents are logical, methodical and truly kind.

As an Intellectual parent, your parenting superpower is your Brain Power. You are an intellectual person who is curious, needs process, is unique and kind. Discover how these gifts and greatness can be used to help you be the best parent that you can be.

Intellectuals are the great minds of the world. The three Intellectual SolePaths are Intellectual Controller, Intellectual Expert and Intellectual Lateral Thinker.

Compassionate SolePath parents nourish their children with their big heart.

Compassionate SolePath parents nourish their children with their big heart.

As a Compassionate parent, your parenting superpower is Love. You are a compassionate person, who has confidence and depth, is empowered and gentle. Discover how these gifts and greatness can be used to help you be the best parent that you can be.

Compassionates are the world’s most loving people. The three Compassionate SolePaths are Compassionate Caretaker, Compassionate Facilitator and Compassionate Healer.

Intuitive SolePath parents live in the ‘fun zone’.

Intuitive SolePath parents live in the ‘fun zone’.

As an Intuitive parent, your parenting superpower is your Sixth Sense. You are an intuitive person, who is full of ideas, positive and playful and needs physical activity. Discover how these gifts and greatness can be used to help you be the best parent that you can be.

Intuitives are the gut reaction SolePaths. The four intuitive SolePaths are Intuitive Builder, Intuitive Creator, Intuitive Hunter and Intuitive Solitude.