Cherishing your Precious Pet
There are ways that you can really cherish and nurture your pet, depending on your Pets Energetic Personality Imprint.
Most pets love to be touched and comforted and there are specific ways that you can meet their needs. Being with your pet in a loving way, releases oxytocin in both of you. This is why cherishing your animal is good for emotional health and very calming for both of you.
Emotional Charismatic Pets:
Pets with an Emotional Charismatic energetic personality picture are bright and aware.
Your Emotional Charismatic animal is exciting and lively. They are very aware and sensing, which makes them ultra-sensitive to what is going on around them. Nurture their independence.
To cherish them in the best way possible, understand that Emotional Charismatics always reflect back what you are feeling, so if you are in the mood for a bit of cherishing, they will be too.

Caring Compassionate Pets:
Pets with a Caring Compassionate energetic personality picture are confident and deep.
Your Caring Compassionate animal is gentle and loving. They have depth and are complicated, yet naturally confidentwhen they feel loved and cared for.
To cherish them in the best way possible, remember that they love frequent soft touching, stroking and caressing, which can be initiated by you or by them. They need a physical connection and closeness with you.

Responsible Inspirational Pets:
Pets with a Responsible Inspirational energetic personality picture are powerful and free.
Your Responsible Inspirational animal thrives with loving connections, has strength of character and likes order in their environment and routine in their day.
To cherish them in the best way possible, understand that they will want to be touched and caressed only when they want to be touched and caressed. Give them this love when they ask for it, but don’t be surprised if they move away when they have had enough. Give them space.

Cool Intellectual Pets:
Pets with a Cool Intellectual energetic personality picture are curious and connected.
Your Cool Intellectual animal is very curious, takes time to process instructions and has an interesting and unique personality.
To cherish them in the best possible way, understand that they do love to be touched but will control and initiate how and when that occurs. They allow touching and caressing in their own way, on their own terms.

Physical Intuitive Pets:
Pets with a Physical Intuitive energetic personality picture are fun and full.
Your Physical Intuitive animal is playful, needs physical activity and is positive.
Physical Intuitives love touching, stroking and caressing. Physical Intuitives love to be massaged because they depend on their body feeling well.

Would you like to know your Pets Energetic Personality Imprint? You will both love it. Get your Pets Energetic Personality Imprint.

Author: Dr. Debra Ford Msc.D.
Dr. Debra is a spiritual philosophy teacher with a doctorate in metaphysical science. She is an ordained minister and member of the American metaphysical doctors association and the Canadian international metaphysical ministry.
Dr. Debra’s SolePath is Inspirational Teacher and Spiritual Mystic. It is this SolePath that allows her to connect, create and communicate the SolePath body of work. She is the author of 16 books including ‘SolePath the path to purpose and a beautiful life‘, ‘Daily Pulse, rhythm of the Tao‘ and her children’s book ‘Emilia Rose and the rainbow adventure’.
PePi is the pet division of SolePath. Need help? Email Dr. Debra: