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Wind is the Natural Energy for the Month of March.

The natural energy that is predominant for the month of March is Wind energy. March will be month in which you will feel inner power and strong personal Chi. There will be change, there will be cleansing. Below is a beautiful spiritual practice that will help you to navigate this.

ā€œThe object of spiritual practice is to become one with the Tao, to synchronize with the pulse of nature, to allow and experience non-resistance.ā€ Dr. Debra

Through an understanding of the energy, and engaging in this dedicated spiritual practice, it is possible to align yourself with the natural energy of the Tao. 

This alignment will create balance in your life; it will enhance your connection to your higher self and with others; it will make it easier for you to live a life of flow; life will be easier; and you will feel happier.

Source: SolePath Institute

Understanding the energy of March:

The energy of the Tao that is closely aligned with the month of March is wind energy

Wind energy represents kindness and generosity and is always moving and gentle. Dr. Debra

The story of wind energy:

Wind is so curious to me. It’s invisible. You can only see, hear or feel its effect. You can see the rustling of the leaves as a gentle breeze blow through a forest. A breeze turns wind chimes into a song. You can feel it on your skin as it cools you down on a hot summer day. But in and of itself, wind is invisible – yet the effect of wind is profound. Wind is like to positive emotions of love and kindness, which can’t be seen, but can certainly be felt.

Wind energy is part of your life on those days when you feel generous and kind and enjoy sharing your abundance of joy, love and money with others.

Wind energy shows up when you are providing direction to make things better; when you are using your inner power and energy to make life better. It is also there when you feel like a supercharged individual who easily commands others and uses strong personal chi and power for the benefit of all.

You can sense wind energy within yourself when you are thinking clearly. Wind energy is always moving and creating change, making decisions and making things happen.

A gentle wind is cleansing. A gentle wind is cooling. A gentle wind can blow all your cares away. A gentle wind is angel’s breath.

Excerpts from the book ā€œDaily Pulse, rhythm of the Taoā€, written by Dr. Debra.

Source: SolePath Institute

Spiritual practice for the month of March:

1. Intention:

An intention is a goal or something to aim for and setting an intention gives you direction in life. An Intention is your stated desire to act in a certain way and be a certain kind of person. For the month of March, use this intention:

My intention is to live in the energy of wind; to live as a kind, gentle, curious and connected person who uses inner power and energy to make life better.

2. Breath Prayer:

A breath prayer is a wonderful way to bring you to the moment, to the ā€˜nowā€™. Seth teaches that you can only create your life from this moment; life is not created from the past nor from the future. Finding your way to happiness can only be done from now and a breath prayer is a quick and efficient way to bring yourself to this moment. 

Find a comfortable sitting position, rest your hands in your lap or hold them by your heart. Close your eyes gently, feel your scalp and forehead soften. Breathe in and breathe out, place your focus and attention on your pineal gland, which is shaped like a tiny pinecone in the middle of your brain. Quietly and to yourself, state: 

I am intellectual and I am curious and connected and I choose to be kind.

Breathe in and breathe out and quietly and to yourself state: 

I reprogram myself towards the energy of wind and I breathe in generosity and I breathe out withholding. I breathe in kindness and I breathe out restriction.

Continue with lovely soft breathing and say a quiet thank you for who you are, exactly as you are.

3. Journaling:

Journaling can take many forms including writing, drawing or scrapbooking. It is a way to record your experiences so that you can review them at another time and build on what you have learnt. Often journaling allows for insights that you may not receive if you donā€™t take this creative time to reflect.

Journaling questions:

Q1: What happens in your life when you are generous and share your blessings?

Q2: Do you feeling your inner power and energy? How do you use it?

Q3: When do you feel supercharged with strong personal chi? With whom? Why is that?

Q4: Wind creates change. It is cleansing and cooling. Do you see those characteristics in your life?

4. Antidote and Action:

There are things that you can do, action that you can take, to bring wind energy and the profound teachings of the Tao into your life. In March, make a choice to:

  1. Connect with others by sharing and being kind.
  2. Balance your life by focusing on your curiosity and connection.
  3. Find flow and non-resistance by consciously including and accepting others. By sharing your blessings.

Source: SolePath Institute

The other months of the year: 

March has the energy of wind. Below is a table of the natural energy of the Tao and the months of the year:

MonthTrigram of the TaoMonthTrigram of the Tao

Just for fun you might like to consider:

  1. What is the energy of your month of birth?
  2. How does that relate to your SolePath? Your LightPaths? Your DarkPath? Your governing number?
  3. If itā€™s unrelated to any part of your SolePath braid, what might that mean? How does this natural energy manifest in your life?

If you would like a conversation with a SolePath mentor to talk about the energy of your birth month, email answers@solepath.org and we will connect you.

Books by Dr. Debra Ford on the Tao: 

Author: Dr. Debra Ford Msc.D.

Dr. Debra is a spiritual philosophy teacher with a doctorate in metaphysical science. She is an ordained minister and member of the American metaphysical doctors association and the Canadian international metaphysical ministry. Dr. Debra’s SolePath is Inspirational Teacher and Spiritual Mystic. It is this SolePath that allows her to connect, create and communicate the SolePath body of work. She is the author of 16 books including ‘SolePath the path to purpose and a beautiful life, Daily Pulse, rhythm of the Tao and her children’s book ‘Emilia Rose and the rainbow adventure’.

Contact: DrDebra@SolePath.org

Grateful thanks to Dr. Janice Brown for the wonderful blog images and videos.

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