What the heck is SolePath?

What the heck is SolePath?

SolePath was created in 2009 by Dr. Debra Ford and if you asked the over 3,000 people who have requested their SolePath since then, “What is SolePath?”, I’m almost certain you would get dozens of different replies. SolePath is your spiritual personality profile and through a deep journey of personal awareness, it guides you to feeling happier. Through self awareness, SolePath helps you with finding purpose, creating positive change in your life, more successful parenting, happier relationships, the best career and more. What could knowing yourself at a deep and profound level do for you?

How SolePath can help you be a GREAT parent
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How SolePath can help you be a GREAT parent

Everyone is born with a SolePath. It is your unique, individual, energetic personality profile. ‘Sole’ because it is solely about you. ‘Path’ because it guides you on your life’s journey. SolePaths are determined through SolePath Institute energetic measurements.

For you, as a parent, your SolePath is a deep journey of awareness, and you’ll come to know yourself and your child at entirely different levels. Knowing what makes you happy and knowing what trips you up will help explain why you behave the way you do.

Do you need help understanding why you continue to fall back on habits and behaviours that do not help you and get in the way of your happiness? When you know your SolePath, you can be the parent you always dreamed you’d be, and you can be the parent your child needs you to be.

Inspirational SolePath parents are role models for their children.

Inspirational SolePath parents are role models for their children.

As an Inspirational parent, your parenting superpower is your Turbo Power. You are an inspirational person who has strength, creates order and connections, who values freedom. Discover how these gifts and greatness can be used to help you be the best parent that you can be.

Inspirational’s are the worlds role models. The four Inspirational SolePaths are Inspirational Conformist, Inspirational Humanitarian, Inspirational Manager and Inspirational Teacher.

SolePath featured on NASDAQ MarketSite and in Times Square, New York.

SolePath featured on NASDAQ MarketSite and in Times Square, New York.

In 2018 SolePath was featured on the NASDAQ MarketSite and in 2019 on billboards in Times Square, New York.

Dr. Debra Ford and Reverend Deneen Justason, at the helm of SolePath, have creatively dictated the company’s unique direction since day one. Their recent foray into online advertising, big location advertising (Times Square billboards) and planting themselves firmly within the global news cycle has all but cemented their place in the pantheon of powerful and forward thinking organizations determining the future in tandem.