Who is the Intuitive Solitude?

Who is the Intuitive Solitude?

Being an Intuitive Solitude means that much like Beatrix Potter, you love to retreat into quiet so that you can express and manifest your imagination; and then return to peaceful and loving interactions with others. Your greatest fulfillment is manifesting your imagination.

Special gifts and greatness of the Intuitive Solitude: vivid imagination, one who can be eccentric and solitary.

Who is the Intuitive Hunter?

Who is the Intuitive Hunter?

Being an Intuitive Hunter means always seeking. Your life flows much like the traditional hunter who was responsible for feeding community. With your courage and bravery you hunt the truth and then return to share this with your community. Because of the energy expended you then need time to sit by the fireside to rejuvenate and it is very important to take time for this rest. Your greatest fulfillment is finding truth to share with others.

Special gifts and greatness of the Intuitive Hunter:  truth seeker who is brave and loves the outdoors.

Who is the Intuitive Creator?

Who is the Intuitive Creator?

Being an Intuitive Creator means finding ways to make our world more beautiful; your life purpose is to leave our world more beautiful. Your very presence makes the world more beautiful and you have an uncanny ability to explore and share ideas that leave others feeling more beautiful. There is no limit to your creative ideas that include beautiful personal style, beautiful spaces and environments, beautiful experiences. Your greatest fulfillment is creating beauty in the world.

Special gifts and greatness of the Intuitive Creator: full of beautiful ideas and creativity, one who is sensitive.

Who is the Intuitive Builder?

Who is the Intuitive Builder?

Being an Intuitive Builder means finding ways to manifest your ideas and networking and connecting people for shared opportunities. It means understanding that you are an emotional yet loving person who is always on the look out for the next building block; the next piece of your puzzle. Your greatest fulfillment in seeing your ideas become reality is sharing the abundance of wealth and happiness with others.

Special gifts and greatness of the Intuitive Builder: full of practical ideas for community, one who is emotional.

Who is the Intellectual Lateral Thinker?

Who is the Intellectual Lateral Thinker?

Being an Intellectual Lateral Thinker means that you thrive on different ideas. You are captivated by interesting concepts and engaging interaction and conversation with others. The image is of an upside down triangle or funnel above your head, capturing all of the ideas and thoughts that flow into your mind.

Special gifts and greatness of the Lateral Thinker: Innovator who finds solutions and loves to debate.

Who is the Intellectual Expert?

Who is the Intellectual Expert?

Being an Intellectual Expert means that you thrive on having intimate knowledge of your chosen field of interest. You never skim the surface but rather spend your time researching and specializing in the one or two topics that captivate you. The image is of a pyramid or triangle above your head, distilling the ideas and thoughts that flow from your research and learning into a peak of specialization.

Special gifts and greatness of the Intellectual Expert: Specialist and researcher who loves to contribute.

Who is the Intellectual Controller

Who is the Intellectual Controller

Being an Intellectual Controller means that you thrive when you are intellectually stimulated. You are mainly interested in people and information that are relevant to your future projects. You need a quiet focused environment so that you can logically focus on the task or subject at hand (no background music, side conversations or other distractions).

Special gifts and greatness of the Intellectual Controller: Responsible boss who is unemotional.

Who is the Inspirational Humanitarian?

Who is the Inspirational Humanitarian?

Being an Inspirational Humanitarian means finding a cause and then putting a great deal of effort and time into making a difference. You are an active doer who needs to be getting things done, not sitting around talking about what needs to be done.

Special gifts and greatness of the Humanitarian Cosmic Child: dutifully working for a cause and the greater good.