Who is your Charismatic Sun Child?
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Who is your Charismatic Sun Child?

Your Charismatic Sun Child is a charismatic person who is brave, sensing, always growing and independent.

What does this mean to you as a parent, how can you help them reach for their greatness and shine brightly?

Their sparkle superpower is how they interact with the world, and knowing this contributes to understanding your child at a deep level.

Who is your Intellectual Star Child?
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Who is your Intellectual Star Child?

Your Intellectual Star Child is an intellectual person who is curious, needs process, is unique and kind.

What does this mean to you as a parent, how can you help them reach for their greatness and shine brightly?

Their brain power superpower is how they interact with the world, and knowing this contributes to understanding your child at a deep level.

Who is your Intuitive Earth Child?
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Who is your Intuitive Earth Child?

Your Intuitive Earth Child is intuitive, positive and playful. They are full of ideas and need physical activity.

What does this mean to you as a parent, how can you help them reach for their greatness and shine brightly?

Their sixth sense superpower is how they interact with the world, and knowing this contributes to understanding your child at a deep level.

Who is your Inspirational Cosmic Child
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Who is your Inspirational Cosmic Child

Your Inspirational Cosmic Child is an inspirational person who has strength, creates order and connections and who values freedom.

What does this mean to you as a parent, how can you help them reach for their greatness and shine brightly?

Their turbo charge superpower is how they interact with the world, and knowing this contributes to understanding your child at a deep level.

Who is your Spiritual Celestial Child?
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Who is your Spiritual Celestial Child?

Your Spiritual Celestial Child is an observer who is wise, has faith and is a mystical explorer.

What does this mean to you as a parent, how can you help them reach for their greatness and shine brightly?

Their extrasensory perception superpower is how they interact with the world, and knowing this contributes to understanding your child at a deep level.

Who is your Compassionate Moon Child?
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Who is your Compassionate Moon Child?

Your Compassionate Moon Child has compassion, confidence and depth; they are empowered and gentle.

What does this mean to you as a parent, how can you help them reach for their greatness and shine brightly?

Their love superpower is how they interact with the world, and knowing this contributes to understanding your child at a deep level.

PEPI: pet energetic personality imprint. SolePath for your beloved pet!

PEPI: pet energetic personality imprint. SolePath for your beloved pet!

For people, SolePath is who you are born to be. It is your guide to a beautiful life, filled with happiness, peace, joy, love, purpose, meaning. For your pets, SolePath is a little different. It is how they interact with you in an individual, predetermined and predictable way; it is their ‘pet energetic personality imprint’, their PEPI.

Knowing your pet’s SolePath is almost as if they are telling you what makes them happy, and how you can live, love and play together.

Water is the natural energy for the month of October.
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Water is the natural energy for the month of October.

There is a natural energy that is predominant in each month of the year. This energy affects us personally and affects all of us together. This natural energy is the energy of the Tao, and each month has an exclusive energy vibration, as it relates to one of the trigrams of the Tao.

The energy of the Tao that is most closely aligned with the month of October is water energy.

Each month, through an understanding of the energy, and engaging in a dedicated spiritual practice, it is possible to align yourself with the natural energy of the Tao. This alignment will create balance in your life; it will enhance your connection to your higher self and with others; it will make it easier for you to live a life of flow; life will be easier; and you will feel happier.

An Interview with Rev. Carrie-Ann. An intimate look into her spiritual SolePath journey.

An Interview with Rev. Carrie-Ann. An intimate look into her spiritual SolePath journey.

Rev. Carrie-Ann runs a very successful spiritual practice, providing mentoring services that include SolePath.

In this interview she shares her spiritual and SolePath experience with us.

Here’s what SolePath means to her …

Wellness secrets for your Charismatic Sun Child
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Wellness secrets for your Charismatic Sun Child

There are wellness secrets that are unique to Sun Children, those with a Charismatic SolePath.

Understanding your child’s wellness at this metaphysical level allows you to set them up for healthy living. As their parent, you can make positive choices and take actions that lead to their wellbeing.

Knowing your child’s SolePath helps you uncover their wellness secrets – their metaphysical umbilicus, health sensitivity, de-stressor, which of the five senses they are most sensitive to, and their emotional trigger.

Wellness for your Sun Child is an active process, a way to ensure their physical, mental and spiritual health.