Language and your Global Child. With the SoleNumber 2

Language and your Global Child. With the SoleNumber 2

Your Global Child’s superpower is Virtue. They know how to nourish and be nourished, they understand self-love and worth, and have a life-giving energy that is respectful.

Language is responsible for clear communication and successful interactions with your child. Language helps them understand and cope with emotions, and it is the genesis of critical thinking, problem solving and decision making. Language helps your child make sense of their experiences and the world around them.

Your conscious use of specific vocabulary brings about positive changes in the thoughts, feelings and behaviours of your Global Child. There are words, affirmations, intentions and prayers that really resonate with them and help your Global Child approach things from their soul perspective. These are important at any age and can really help them cope with any negative thoughts, feelings or behaviours.

SoleNumber 2 global children

The nature of Global Children. With the SoleNumber 2

Children with a number 2 SoleNumber are Global Children. They are important and significant. Global means unbounded and unlimited, encompassing all parts of the world, and Global Children have a focus on self-love and cherishing, a life-giving energy that nourishes others.

The superpower of the Global Child is Virtue. This means that they know how to nourish and be nourished, they understand self-love and worth, and have life-giving energy that is respectful

Knowing your child’s SoleNumber helps you uncover their learning style, thinking style, creative process, how they experience time, and their connection to the Tao.

All of this contributes to understanding your child at a deep level and helps you to become the best parent you can be, a parent who provides a happy, loving and nurturing environment.

Matching vibration for Aurora children, those with a SoleNumber 5.

Matching vibration for Aurora children, those with a SoleNumber 5.

Children with a SoleNumber 5 are our Aurora Children, and they are supported and expanding. An Aurora is an interaction between a planet and a sun, and Aurora Children understand both the spiritual realm and the physical world.

There are certain physical items that have the same energy as the Aurora Child, things that vibrate at their wavelength. And these provide a wonderful, positive, lifelong addition throughout their life.

Aurora children have a special colour, a unique gemstone, their own essential oil, a shape, an animal instinct, and a musical instrument that enhances their energy and helps them feel great.

The nature of Aurora Children. With the SoleNumber 5

The nature of Aurora Children. With the SoleNumber 5

Children with a number 5 SoleNumber are Aurora Children. They are supported and expanding. An Aurora is an interaction between a planet and a sun, and Aurora Children understand both the spiritual realm and the physical world.

The superpower of the Aurora Child is Essential Vitality. This means that they are creating their life in a mighty and unrestricted way, being boundless and supportive, and living with perspective.

Knowing your child’s SoleNumber helps you uncover their learning style, thinking style, creative process, how they experience time, and their connection to the Tao.

All of this contributes to understanding your child at a deep level and helps you to become the best parent you can be, a parent who provides a happy, loving and nurturing environment.

Who is your Charismatic Adventurer Child?

Who is your Charismatic Adventurer Child?

Charismatic Sun Children have either an Adventurer, Gladiator, Influencer, Leader or Performer SolePath.

The special gifts and greatness of the Charismatic Adventurer Child is that they are willing to be bold, are sociable and likeable, and get excited about life.

The superpower of Charismatic Sun Children is their Sparkle. This means that they are a charismatic person who is brave, sensing, always growing and independent.

Add that to their Charismatic Adventurer gifts and greatness; their love of the ‘new and exciting’ – new experiences, new people, new things; their gift of being good with people and their natural likeability; their ability to get excited about life, engage others and be fun to be around. This makes them quite extraordinary children!

Who is your Charismatic Gladiator Child?

Who is your Charismatic Gladiator Child?

Charismatic Sun Children have either an Adventurer, Gladiator, Influencer, Leader or Performer SolePath.

The special gifts and greatness of the Charismatic Gladiator Child is that they are committed and motivated, competitive and want to win, desire to win and do better.

The superpower of Charismatic Sun Children is their Sparkle. This means that they are a charismatic person who is brave, sensing, always growing and independent.

Add that to their Charismatic Gladiator gifts and greatness; their commitment to excellence and raising the bar; their desire to win, to be better, to help everyone do better. Given the right environment they will be the best at what they do. This makes them quite extraordinary children!

Who is your Charismatic Influencer Child?

Who is your Charismatic Influencer Child?

Charismatic Sun Children have either an Adventurer, Gladiator, Influencer, Leader or Performer SolePath.

The special gifts and greatness of the Charismatic Influencer Child is that they are persuasive, collaborate and cooperate, and have strong personalities.

The superpower of Charismatic Sun Children is their Sparkle. This means that they are a charismatic person who is brave, sensing, always growing and independent.

Add that to their Charismatic Influencer desire to influence others towards the greater good through persuasion; their need to collaborate and cooperate with others and be part of a team; their strength of personality. This makes them quite extraordinary children!

Who is your Charismatic Leader Child?

Who is your Charismatic Leader Child?

Charismatic Sun Children have either an Adventurer, Gladiator, Influencer, Leader or Performer SolePath.

The special gifts and greatness of the Charismatic Leader Child is that they are a front-runner who shows others the way; they have a magnetic personality; and are energetic and on-the-go.

The superpower of Charismatic Sun Children is their Sparkle. This means that they are a charismatic person who is brave, sensing, always growing and independent.

Add that to their Charismatic Leader gifts and greatness; their leadership qualities combined with extraordinary charisma; their magnetic personalities that makes them charming and attractive to others; their energy! their ability to be on-the-go most of the time. This makes them quite extraordinary children!

Who is your Charismatic Performer Child?

Who is your Charismatic Performer Child?

Charismatic Sun Children have either an Adventurer, Gladiator, Influencer, Leader or Performer SolePath.

The special gifts and greatness of the Charismatic Performer Child is that they are an entertainer who loves an audience, they need to be the star of the show, and love drama.

The superpower of Charismatic Sun Children is their Sparkle. This means that they are a charismatic person who is brave, sensing, always growing and independent.

Add that to their Charismatic Performer gifts and greatness; their love of the limelight and being admired for their talent; their understanding that the world is their stage and they are the lead actor; their need for drama, all kinds of drama. This makes them quite extraordinary children!

Who is your Inspirational Conformist Child?

Who is your Inspirational Conformist Child?

Inspirational Cosmic Children have either a Conformist, Humanitarian, Teacher or Manager SolePath.

The special gifts and greatness of the Inspirational Conformist Child is that they value tradition, honesty is very important to them, and they operate within the guidelines of life.

The superpower of Inspirational Cosmic Children is their Turbo Power. This means that they are an inspirational person who has strength, creates order and connections, and values freedom.

Add that to this their Inspirational Conformist gifts and greatness; their love of tradition and their ability to build on what has gone before; their down to earth nature, being a dependable straight talker; their ability to work within guidelines and follow the rules. This makes them quite extraordinary children!