Number Energy for 2025 – SoleNumber 9
The numbers of the Tao are called SoleNumbers. There is a Tao energy that is predominant on our planet each year and this Tao energy relates to one of the SoleNumbers, 1 to 9.
2025 is a year of the number 9.
We work out the number energy by adding the numbers of the year together till we reach a single digit. 2025 becomes 2+0+2+5=9. The energy of SoleNumber 9 is of MASTERY and GUIDANCE.
And this means that in 2025 we will all experience more balance and acceptance. We will need to reach for mental steadiness and emotional stability. It will be a time of guiding others, but also letting go of the outcome. Of living with inner certainty, calm and ease. Of understanding the subtleties of life, seeing things that you might have missed before.
Each of the SoleNumbers is based on the Tao and therefore has a light and dark manifestation. The number 9 energy in 2025 also means that it is going to be a year of completion, of endings. Things that you have been working on are going to come to an end – with either a positive or negative result. You could become dictatorial – telling people what to do rather than advising and letting go. You may find yourself criticizing and looking for what is wrong. Or seeing yourself as being trampled on, rather than providing support.
The energy of numbers gives structure and language to your own unique life experience and personal growth opportunities. The energy of numbers gives order and direction for your life journey, what you are meant to be doing with your life, how you will do it and the impact you will have on others.
The energy of SoleNumber 9 is part of your life when you understand that you are inherently happy and whole. When you know how to live with balance, and have a steady and calm energy. When you live a life that is allowing and non-resistant.
SoleNumber 9 shows up when embrace your inner certainty, when you are happy and whole and live with calm and ease. It is there when you guide others, don’t direct them, and when you let go of the outcome. SoleNumber 9 provides the environment for you to be a trusted advisor who brings balance to life. You understand that if it doesn’t serve you – then you can let it go because you are complete. In this SoleNumber 9 year it will be easier to let others make their own mistakes, to understand that it is their life experience and you can let them be who they are.
You can sense SoleNumber 9 within you when you embrace calm and ease.
In 2025 the inward journey is accepting inner certainty. The outward journey is giving guidance, not direction and letting go of the outcome.

Your life journey in 2025 is:
- Guiding not directing, letting go of the outcome.
- Living with inner certainty, calm and ease.
- Understanding the subtleties of life, those things that other might miss.
Your challenges in 2025:
- Being dictatorial, telling people what to do rather than advising and letting go.
- Criticizing and looking for what is wrong.
- Seeing yourself as being trampled on rather than providing support.
Best practices in 2025 include:
- Life has become hectic. Create a life with activity and quiet in equal measure. SoleNumber 9 has the energy of mastery and guidance, it is the number of completion, but this state can only be reached when your life is actually balanced. Often, you will have challenges reaching for steadiness, calmness and inner peace. You may default to feeling criticized and that life is a constant balance – unless you live with balance in 2025.
- A steady routine is essential this year. Life needs to be predictable, calm, and constant. You need to be able to rely on those closest to you. Remember that your default in 2025 will be to feel criticized – take that into account in the way that you react to how others talk to you, and don’t be oversensitive to the words and tone that they use.
- Stop looking for wrongs and slights. See yourself as support, not as being trampled on. Embrace inner certainty, you are happy and whole. Live with calm and ease. Living and working in a calm environment brings out the best in you. When you feel supported, you are able to nurture yourself and bring out the best in those around you.
- If it doesn’t serve you, let it go, you are complete. Find ways to exert some measure of control over the smaller things in your life. Make decisions. SoleNumber 9 helps you find your way to balance, steadiness, calmness and being allowing. But where you might be, right here right now, is feeling emotional and unbalanced, not exhibiting mental steadiness, acting with volatility because you feel criticized, and feeling out of control.
- Guide, don’t direct. Let go of the outcome. It seems that the penultimate lesson in life is learning to live with non-resistance. Allowing life to be just what it is, not struggling against the flow of events. Joy is found in living with non-resistance. Balance is found in living with non-resistance. All else flows from this. You will either find this acceptance for yourself and show wisdom in 2025, or you will deeply struggle against this as a concept. Your success this year lies in non-resistance.
Align with the energy of SoleNumber 9 in 2025 – to live your best life, and to find purpose and joy. 2025 could be your best year – I can feel it.

Author: Dr. Debra Ford Msc.D.
Dr. Debra is one of the world’s foremost experts in metaphysical energy. She has a doctorate in metaphysical science and is a metaphysical philosophy teacher. She is an ordained minister and member of the American Metaphysical Doctors Association and the Canadian International Metaphysical Ministry.
Dr. Debra’s SolePath is Inspirational Teacher and Spiritual Mystic. It is this SolePath that allows her to connect, create and communicate the original SolePath body of work.
She is the author of many spiritual books including ‘SoleNumbers Book of Wisdom’, ‘SolePath Book of Knowledge’, ‘Daily Pulse, rhythm of the Tao‘ and her latest children’s book ‘The Curious Cousins and the African Elephant Expedition’ .
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