Dear parents, this is a letter from the angels to you ….
This article is part of the SolePath Parenting series. Charismatic ‘Sun’ Child | Compassionate ‘Moon’ Child | Inspirational ‘Cosmic’ Child Intellectual ‘Star’ Child | Intuitive ‘Earth’ Child | Spiritual ‘Celestial’ Child
If you could have a personal conversation with the angels about being a parent, about your fears and dreams, this is what they would say to you.
Dearest parent,
The act of being a parent is one of the most significant and important experiences that you will have as a human being. Your child will play the role of teacher as often as they need to be taught, and they will be the one who loves you more often than they need to be nurtured. As Angels, we wanted to give you context for your life and for your little one’s experience and their journey, to help you flow together more easily.
You and your child are connected. You are part of a soul community and are sharing a life together for your mutual benefit. The purpose of an incarnation on Earth is soul expansion, or in more plain language, personal growth. This means that you are going to love together and struggle together, and all for the benefit of your own perfect eternal souls, and the benefit of your soul community. There is nothing that you cannot cope with together.

There are two components that make up your child’s constitution. First, your little one arrives with physical DNA, which is the result of ancestry and lineage. This DNA is the genetic and trait inheritance that will impact their physical appearance and health predisposition.
The second part of your child’s constitution is their metaphysical DNA. Your little one’s SolePath is their metaphysical DNA, and this gives you clues to the intention for their life. They have a plan for their life incarnation, and they bring wisdom and experience to this lifetime from their past life experiences.
There is a planning process that occurs before your child is born. A plan is created for a lifetime, and it includes choosing those closest to you. This is something really important to remember: your child chose you; you are the perfect parent for them and,together, you will provide each other with the perfect life experiences. Both the highs and the lows! It’s important to remember that you love each other at a deep soul level because, sometimes, over the years of being a parent, the going gets tough and it’s easy to lose sight of this bigger context.
Your job, as the parent of your new baby, is three-fold:
- Love your child unconditionally. Love your little one in spite of the fact that they are different from you; love them because of the fact that they are different from you; love them because your souls chose to spend a lifetime together on this planet.
- Keep your child safe. Help them stay safe from harm physically. Support them mentally and emotionally by teaching them how to be contributing members of the family and of society. Model being a good human being.
- Allow them to be who they are born to be. Provide them with the opportunity to live the life that their soul intended and to be their own person. Your child is not you. It’s a fact of life that you can only see life through your own filters, through your own sub-conscious responses, through your own personal and unique SolePath. Your child has a different SolePath, and they have a different way of looking at the world, of experiencing life and of learning their lessons.
Your child chose their SolePath for the express purpose of living the life that their soul intended. Knowing your child’s SolePath helps you support them as they find their role and make a difference. Your child is unique, and you have been chosen by them for this life experience.
When you know your child’s SolePath, you can celebrate their strengths and understand their struggles. This is how you encourage them in a way that helps them reach their powerful and positive potential.

Your life together is going to be filled with joy, many moments of struggle, and many moments of happiness, and this is for you and your child’s growth and soul evolution.
t is your choice to make sure that your life together is joyful and filled with love. There is nothing that you and your little one cannot face and overcome together, in your physical lifetime and in your soul journey together.
What a privilege it is to have been chosen by your child.
With love, the Angels
You can request your child’s SolePath, by donation, online. Would you like to know who they are born to be?

Author: Dr. Debra Ford Msc.D.
Dr. Debra is a spiritual philosophy teacher with a doctorate in metaphysical science. She is an ordained minister and member of the American metaphysical doctors association and the Canadian international metaphysical ministry. Dr. Debra’s SolePath is Inspirational Teacher and Spiritual Mystic. It is this SolePath that allows her to connect, create and communicate the SolePath body of work. She is the author of 16 books including ‘SolePath the path to purpose and a beautiful life‘, ‘Daily Pulse, rhythm of the Tao‘ and her children’s book ‘Emilia Rose and the rainbow adventure’.