How SolePath can help you be a GREAT parent
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How SolePath can help you be a GREAT parent

Everyone is born with a SolePath. It is your unique, individual, energetic personality profile. ‘Sole’ because it is solely about you. ‘Path’ because it guides you on your life’s journey. SolePaths are determined through SolePath Institute energetic measurements.

For you, as a parent, your SolePath is a deep journey of awareness, and you’ll come to know yourself and your child at entirely different levels. Knowing what makes you happy and knowing what trips you up will help explain why you behave the way you do.

Do you need help understanding why you continue to fall back on habits and behaviours that do not help you and get in the way of your happiness? When you know your SolePath, you can be the parent you always dreamed you’d be, and you can be the parent your child needs you to be.

A letter from Dr. Debra about Parenting
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A letter from Dr. Debra about Parenting

Dr. Debra wrote a book of SolePath parenting insights for her own sons to be the best parents that they can be for her precious granddaughters. Now, she has done the same for you!

Parenting is both rewarding and challenging and parenting during the pandemic has brought its own unique difficulties. SolePath can really, really help! There is a way for you to be in your LightPaths and to be the best, most loving parent that you can be. And to choose away from your DarkPath and avoid upheavals and difficulties.

Depending on your SolePath, you have parenting superpowers! There are ways for you to be great, things you can do to take care of your child and yourself, guidelines on how to be a superhero parent.

Spiritual SolePath parents are strong, steady and wise.

Spiritual SolePath parents are strong, steady and wise.

As a Spiritual parent, your parenting superpower is Extrasensory Perception. You are a spiritual observer who is wise, has faith and is a mystical explorer. Discover how these gifts and greatness can be used to help you be the best parent that you can be.

Spiritual’s life experience is exploring beliefs. The three Spiritual SolePaths are Spiritual Balance, Spiritual Mystic and Spiritual Balance.