Who is the Charismatic Gladiator?

Who is the Charismatic Gladiator?

Being a Charismatic Gladiator means always striving for a better standard, pushing the rest of us to a higher standard of excellence, always raising the bar. You just want to be better and love a competitive environment. You just sense that it could be better!

Special gifts and greatness of the Charismatic Gladiator: committed competitor who strives for excellence.

Who is the Charismatic Adventurer?

Who is the Charismatic Adventurer?

Being a Charismatic Adventurer means embracing the new. It means loving change and being discerning about when you are changing for the sake of change, or when you are embracing change because it is an improvement, a moving forward. You teach us how not to fear change and how to embrace new ideas. You show us that moving forward is fun and that the status quo can be improved upon.

Special gifts and greatness of the Charismatic Adventurer: one who is bold and social and gets excited.

Happiness as a competitive advantage?

Happiness as a competitive advantage?

Watching the Winter Olympics, I am reminded that happiness is so often a driver for athletic success.

There are four happiness factors and understanding them, increases the chance of success for any athlete. Helping them feel happier includes a simple understanding of their Learning Style, Thinking Style, Creative Process and How they Experience Time.

It makes sense that a happy athlete, is a successful athlete, but can happiness really give you a competitive advantage?

What is your precious pets health sensitivity?

What is your precious pets health sensitivity?

Each of the personality pictures has a health sensitivity. This is not to say that your pet will experience ill-health in this area, but rather that it is a possible predisposition and something to keep an eye on.

It’s a bit like understanding that if there is a condition in your own family, such as for example heart disease,  you will need to take steps to prevent this predisposition becoming real in your life.

Be aware, be proactive and if symptoms show up, speak with your pet health-care provider.

Understand better how to protect your pets health.