Who is your Charismatic Adventurer Child?

Who is your Charismatic Adventurer Child?

Charismatic Sun Children have either an Adventurer, Gladiator, Influencer, Leader or Performer SolePath.

The special gifts and greatness of the Charismatic Adventurer Child is that they are willing to be bold, are sociable and likeable, and get excited about life.

The superpower of Charismatic Sun Children is their Sparkle. This means that they are a charismatic person who is brave, sensing, always growing and independent.

Add that to their Charismatic Adventurer gifts and greatness; their love of the ‘new and exciting’ – new experiences, new people, new things; their gift of being good with people and their natural likeability; their ability to get excited about life, engage others and be fun to be around. This makes them quite extraordinary children!

Who is your Charismatic Gladiator Child?

Who is your Charismatic Gladiator Child?

Charismatic Sun Children have either an Adventurer, Gladiator, Influencer, Leader or Performer SolePath.

The special gifts and greatness of the Charismatic Gladiator Child is that they are committed and motivated, competitive and want to win, desire to win and do better.

The superpower of Charismatic Sun Children is their Sparkle. This means that they are a charismatic person who is brave, sensing, always growing and independent.

Add that to their Charismatic Gladiator gifts and greatness; their commitment to excellence and raising the bar; their desire to win, to be better, to help everyone do better. Given the right environment they will be the best at what they do. This makes them quite extraordinary children!

Who is your Charismatic Influencer Child?

Who is your Charismatic Influencer Child?

Charismatic Sun Children have either an Adventurer, Gladiator, Influencer, Leader or Performer SolePath.

The special gifts and greatness of the Charismatic Influencer Child is that they are persuasive, collaborate and cooperate, and have strong personalities.

The superpower of Charismatic Sun Children is their Sparkle. This means that they are a charismatic person who is brave, sensing, always growing and independent.

Add that to their Charismatic Influencer desire to influence others towards the greater good through persuasion; their need to collaborate and cooperate with others and be part of a team; their strength of personality. This makes them quite extraordinary children!

Who is your Charismatic Leader Child?

Who is your Charismatic Leader Child?

Charismatic Sun Children have either an Adventurer, Gladiator, Influencer, Leader or Performer SolePath.

The special gifts and greatness of the Charismatic Leader Child is that they are a front-runner who shows others the way; they have a magnetic personality; and are energetic and on-the-go.

The superpower of Charismatic Sun Children is their Sparkle. This means that they are a charismatic person who is brave, sensing, always growing and independent.

Add that to their Charismatic Leader gifts and greatness; their leadership qualities combined with extraordinary charisma; their magnetic personalities that makes them charming and attractive to others; their energy! their ability to be on-the-go most of the time. This makes them quite extraordinary children!

Who is your Charismatic Performer Child?

Who is your Charismatic Performer Child?

Charismatic Sun Children have either an Adventurer, Gladiator, Influencer, Leader or Performer SolePath.

The special gifts and greatness of the Charismatic Performer Child is that they are an entertainer who loves an audience, they need to be the star of the show, and love drama.

The superpower of Charismatic Sun Children is their Sparkle. This means that they are a charismatic person who is brave, sensing, always growing and independent.

Add that to their Charismatic Performer gifts and greatness; their love of the limelight and being admired for their talent; their understanding that the world is their stage and they are the lead actor; their need for drama, all kinds of drama. This makes them quite extraordinary children!

Who is your Inspirational Conformist Child?

Who is your Inspirational Conformist Child?

Inspirational Cosmic Children have either a Conformist, Humanitarian, Teacher or Manager SolePath.

The special gifts and greatness of the Inspirational Conformist Child is that they value tradition, honesty is very important to them, and they operate within the guidelines of life.

The superpower of Inspirational Cosmic Children is their Turbo Power. This means that they are an inspirational person who has strength, creates order and connections, and values freedom.

Add that to this their Inspirational Conformist gifts and greatness; their love of tradition and their ability to build on what has gone before; their down to earth nature, being a dependable straight talker; their ability to work within guidelines and follow the rules. This makes them quite extraordinary children!

Who is your Inspirational Humanitarian Child?

Who is your Inspirational Humanitarian Child?

Inspirational Cosmic Children have either a Conformist, Humanitarian, Teacher or Manager SolePath.

The special gifts and greatness of the Inspirational Humanitarian Child is that they work for the greater good, they really need a cause and fulfil their duty.

The superpower of Inspirational Cosmic Children is their Turbo Power. This means that they are an inspirational person who has strength, creates order and connections, and values freedom.

Add that to this their Inspirational Humanitarian gifts and greatness; their innate desire to help others and right wrongs, to work for the greater good; their need for a cause on which to focus their formidable energy and effort; their respect of duty, or just doing the right thing for the right reasons. This makes them quite extraordinary children!

Who is your Inspirational Manager Child?

Who is your Inspirational Manager Child?

Inspirational Cosmic Children have either a Conformist, Humanitarian, Teacher or Manager SolePath.

The special gifts and greatness of the Inspirational Manager Child is that they love to achieve things, are great organizers and take time creating efficient plans.

The superpower of Inspirational Cosmic Children is their Turbo Power. This means that they are an inspirational person who has strength, creates order and connections, and values freedom.

Add that to this their Inspirational Manager gifts and greatness; their ability to get things done and make things happen; the way that they can organize and supervise others; the fact that they take the time to make a plan to accomplish goals. This makes them quite extraordinary children!

Who is your Inspirational Teacher Child?

Who is your Inspirational Teacher Child?

Inspirational Cosmic Children have either a Conformist, Humanitarian, Teacher or Manager SolePath.

The special gifts and greatness of the Inspirational Teacher Child is that they are great communicators, very likeable and want to be an example to others.

The superpower of Inspirational Cosmic Children is their Turbo Power. This means that they are an inspirational person who has strength, creates order and connections, and values freedom.

Add that to this their Inspirational Teacher gifts and greatness; their ability to help others understand and be a great communicator; their appeal, likeability and genuine love of other people; their desire to teach by example and to be a good person. This makes them quite extraordinary children!

Who is your Intellectual Controller Child?

Who is your Intellectual Controller Child?

Intellectual Star Children have either a Controller, Expert or Lateral Thinker path.

The special gifts and greatness of the Intellectual Controller Star Child is that they are responsible, love to be the boss, and can be a bit unemotional.

The superpower of Intellectual Star Children is their Brain Power. This means that they are an intellectual person, who is very curious, needs process, thinks in a unique way and is intrinsically kind.

Add that to their Intellectual Controller gifts and greatness; their love of responsibility, their ability to give direction, to organize and coordinate, their difficulty understanding the emotions of others. This makes them quite extraordinary children!