Happiness as a competitive advantage?

Happiness as a competitive advantage?

Watching the Winter Olympics, I am reminded that happiness is so often a driver for athletic success.

There are four happiness factors and understanding them, increases the chance of success for any athlete. Helping them feel happier includes a simple understanding of their Learning Style, Thinking Style, Creative Process and How they Experience Time.

It makes sense that a happy athlete, is a successful athlete, but can happiness really give you a competitive advantage?

What is your precious pets health sensitivity?

What is your precious pets health sensitivity?

Each of the personality pictures has a health sensitivity. This is not to say that your pet will experience ill-health in this area, but rather that it is a possible predisposition and something to keep an eye on.

It’s a bit like understanding that if there is a condition in your own family, such as for example heart disease,  you will need to take steps to prevent this predisposition becoming real in your life.

Be aware, be proactive and if symptoms show up, speak with your pet health-care provider.

Understand better how to protect your pets health.

SoleNumbers for Children: Numbers 1 to 9
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SoleNumbers for Children: Numbers 1 to 9

The day that you were born is a remarkable day and there is an energy that is carried forward into your life. Your SoleNumbers help guide you in life and contain remarkable insights into what drives you and what makes you great.

Two of the most important SoleNumbers are your Governing SoleNumber and your Next Best Step SoleNumber.

Your Governing SoleNumber is the guide to the overall number energy in your life. Your Governing SoleNumber reveals the direction of your life, and gives insights into your life experience. Your Governing SoleNumber never changes and is impactful over the course of your lifetime.

Your Next Best Step SoleNumber is the most important and active number in your life for the current year. This number changes with each new year and gives structure to choices that you make the achieve your annual intentions and goals.

Who is your Sun Child? With the SoleNumber 1

Who is your Sun Child? With the SoleNumber 1

Your Sun Child is a charismatic person who is brave, sensing, always growing and independent.

What does this mean to you as a parent, how can you help them reach for their greatness and shine brightly?

Their sparkle superpower is how they interact with the world, and knowing this contributes to understanding your child at a deep level.