A radio interview with Dr. Janice Brown, on becoming a better parent to her children, Isabelle and Brianna.

A radio interview with Dr. Janice Brown, on becoming a better parent to her children, Isabelle and Brianna.

An interview with Dr. Janice Brown on parenting and how to find tools that really help with communicating with her children. How to become a better parent to her children, to find more breathing room in the day-to-day challenges.

“Knowing my children’s SolePath really helps and changes the interaction between us all.”

Solving problems, understanding behaviour, feeling happier. SolePath and your children.

Your Child’s SolePath
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Your Child’s SolePath

Your child experiences their LightPaths in the same way that you do. Everything that is going well for them is the result of their LightPath gifts. They feel loved, valued, appreciated and seen from their LightPaths. Their self-worth is fundamentally tied up with you loving and accepting them for who they are, for who they are born to be and for the SolePath they have chosen for their life.

It’s a little different for the DarkPath. Children only start to experience their DarkPath as negative and collapsing around ten years of age. Before that time, they simply experience all parts of their SolePath braid, two LightPaths and one DarkPath, as their personality characteristics.