“We believe that SolePath helps people feel happier! When you know yourself with such a deep self-awareness, you can make choices that just help you to feel better. It is our joy and our purpose to bring this body of work to you and to the world. Ask us, we want to help.”

Your SolePath Team


At the Calgary SolePath Institute, we connect to the field and measure your energetics to reveal your SolePath; a braid of two LightPaths and one DarkPath. Your LightPaths are expanding energy and provide direction for knowing your life’s purpose. Your DarkPath is collapsed energy and provides contrast for personal growth.

The SolePath Institute provides many opportunities for helping you understand your SolePath – membership, one-on-one counseling, workshops, training programs, support groups.

The SolePath mission is to guide and support changes in community interactions and relationships for the benefit of us all. The SolePath vision is for everyone to know their SolePath and find their role.

Read about our SolePath covenant – our promise.

Dr. Debra Ford

Dr. Debra Ford Msc.D is one the world’s foremost experts in metaphysical energy. She has a doctorate in Metaphysical science and is a metaphysical philosophy teacher, and the creator of SolePath.

Dr. Debra is an ordained minister and member of the American Metaphysical Doctors Association and the Canadian International Metaphysical Ministry. 

Dr. Debra’s SolePath is Inspirational Teacher and Spiritual Mystic. It is this SolePath that allows her to connect, create and communicate the original  SolePath body of work

Dr. Debra’s work is based on the Tao. She is the author of many spiritual books including ‘The SolePath Book of Knowledge’, â€˜SolePath the path to purpose and a beautiful life‘‘Daily Pulse, rhythm of the Tao‘ and her two children’s books ‘The Curious Cousins and the African Elephant Expedition’, and â€˜Emilia Rose and the rainbow adventure’.

Join Dr. Debra on the Insight Timer meditation app for guided meditations, LIVE meditations, courses, and more.


Rev. Deneen Kendall

Deneen’s SolePath is Intuitive Creator and Spiritual Balance. Her core values are creating beauty and manifesting ideas; going with the flow and living with grace. Deneen’s purpose is to help bring balance and creative ideas to people, helping them connect to their higher selves.

Deneen has dedicated her life to being a SolePath certified mentor and SolePath certified analyst, known for her wonderful laugh and beautiful caring energy. Deneen specializes in space energy – both Feng Shui and Space Clearing – and is available for home and business consultations.



John Ford

John’s SolePath is Charismatic Adventurer and Intellectual Lateral Thinker. His core values and core energy are loving the new and being at the ‘cutting edge’; innovative thinking and original ideas. John was the past president of several multinational corporations in South Africa and Canada, and is a member of Mensa. He combines his Charismatic Adventurer and Intellectual Lateral Thinker gifts with his considerable experience gained in both large corporations and small entrepreneurial organizations.



Rev. Janice Brown

Janice is an avid writer and explorer of life, who teaches understandings of metaphysical concepts and mastery of self through the SolePath Institute. She is the Dean of the Academy of Inner Wisdom, SolePath’s educational division.

Dr. Janice’s SolePath is Spiritual Warrior and Intellectual Lateral Thinker. Her core values are her passion for life and her amazing problem solving gifts. Janice is a facilitator of learning, committed to exploring the cutting edge of Human Behaviour and Potential.

She is a compassionate spiritual practitioner and educator helping people improve their lives, health, focus and emotional well-being.

She is the author of the SoleHealing protocols and ‘Stories of a Girl” Metaphysical Mysteries. She also writes a playful blog called Sharing Morning Thoughts, imagine the pep talks you’d get from the greatest life coach you could ever have, your Higher Self. Playful quips, jaunty prose and little kick in the …!


The SolePath Institute is a metaphysical, new thought philosophy organization that welcomes ALL students no matter what their faith or spiritual beliefs.

SolePath Institute and the Canadian International Metaphysical Ministry (CIMM)

The training programs at the SolePath Institute are recognized by CIMM and our graduates may be registered with the provincial government of Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec, with the formal designation of Reverend.

Our training is a journey of self-discovery and deep understanding of self and others. Students who graduate our programs are consciously choosing to make a difference in the world.

The SolePath training at the Academy of Inner Wisdom gives a deep understanding of the differences of each of us; the gifts and greatness inherent within us; the challenges that we are growing through in our lives and the unconditional acceptance of who we are born to be.

We teach mindfulness, meditation, and prayer, together with listening and communication skills, as a way to connect to Universal Energy – that which is more than our physical body.

SolePath Training

Grow Yourself ~ Self Development

How can your days be a little lighter and brighter?
You might want to decide there’s no way I’m going back to school but I’d love to know more about what it is that gets me motivated, inspired and feeling on purpose. Then you want to look at our self-evolution content. Learn more.

Evolve Your Life ~ SolePath

SolePath is the core of the body of work that we call energetic personality profiling and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. SolePath answers the question, ‘Who am I?’ This is the first fundamental life question, and SolePath is the only place you’re going to find the answers. It’s a game changer. Your FastTracK to happiness. 
Check out the course offerings here.

Transform the World ~ Your Calling

Traditional academia bears a need for a standardization of knowledge that must be pursued and realized through conditional understandings and purpose.

At the Academy, we flip that on its head and say, ‘Where can you go today that you’ve never been before?’ Let’s go do that and see how the path starts lining up for you. You can traverse a forest path, an ocean, or an entire universe. It all depends on what you’ve got going on in your Heart and Mind. Your Calling…Right Here!