“What a remarkable thing to do for your children, to introduce them, at a young age, to the Tao. The Tao is based three foundational principles: connection, balance, flow.” Dr. Debra
Emilia Rose and the rainbow adventure: by Dr. Debra Ford Msc.D
The adventures of Emilia Rose and the LiaBots. Stories for children based on the Tao.
Emilia Rose and the LiaBots, stories for children based on the profound beauty of the Tao. Emilia Rose had a secret, one that she didn’t share with anyone. Her secret was that each night in her dreams she travelled to LiaLand and lived among the friendly, funny, cheeky and brave LiaBots.
One night, Emilia Rose was in her LiaLand dream and saw a rainbow. Rainbows just made her smile, they were so pretty. “Where do they come from?” she wondered. “I know” she said, “The LiaBots can solve this mystery for me”. They were to go on an adventure, out into the world and find out where rainbows begin.
Emilia Rose’s adventure with the LiaBots is based on the key understandings of the Tao: 1. Connection – between us all and also with everything. 2. Balance – when one part is out of balance, all are affected. 3. Flow – non-resistance to what is going on around you. Three principles that our children seem to understand intuitively.
Available on Amazon in Kindle format or Paperback edition.
Insight Timer App: available as a bedtime story audio book.
Read the 4/4 book review from onlinebookclub.org.
Meet the LiaBots …
A SolePath colouring book journey by Dr. Janice Brown DTCM, R.Ac.
Dr. Janice has a great love of creation expressed through art, poetry and the written word. As a double Intellectual SolePath, she knows the value of appropriate mental distraction and colouring is one of the ways Dr. Janice enjoys resting her mind.
Your SolePath colouring journey will help you brighten your light, while reducing stress.
The colouring book contains 28 pages of insightful musings with varied and interesting colouring images.
Available on Amazon in Kindle format or Paperback edition.
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