Language and Governing SoleNumber 6

Language and Governing SoleNumber 6

Those with a Governing SoleNumber 6 are confident and deep.  They are a compassionate person, who has confidence and depth and is empowered and gentle.

Language is responsible for clear communication and successful interactions with others. Language helps you understand and cope with emotions, and it is the genesis of critical thinking, problem solving and decision making. Language helps you make sense of your experiences and the world around you.

Your conscious use of specific vocabulary brings about positive changes in your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. There are words, affirmations, intentions and prayers that really resonate with you and help you approach things from your soul perspective. These are important at any time and can really help you cope with any negative thoughts, feelings or behaviours.

The Nature of Governing SoleNumber 6

The Nature of Governing SoleNumber 6

Those with a SoleNumber 6 are confident and deep.  They are a compassionate person, who has confidence and depth and is empowered and gentle.

Knowing your Governing SoleNumber uncovers your learning style, thinking style, creative process, how you experience time, and your connection to the Tao. All of this contributes to understanding yourself at a deep level and helps you walk your path to purpose and a beautiful life.

Matching Vibration for SoleNumber 6

Matching Vibration for SoleNumber 6

There are certain physical items that have the same energy as the SoleNumber 6, things that vibrate at their wavelength. And these provide a wonderful, positive, lifelong addition throughout their life.

SoleNumber 6’s have a special colour, a unique gemstone, their own essential oil, a flower, a shape, an animal instinct, and a musical instrument that enhances their energy and helps them feel great. 

Wellness Secrets for SoleNumber 6

Wellness Secrets for SoleNumber 6

There are wellness secrets to your body and your health, that are unique to you with a SoleNumber 6. Understanding your wellness at this metaphysical level allows you to set yourself up for healthy living. You can make positive choices and take action that leads to your wellbeing.

Those with a SoleNumber 6 are confident and deep.  They are a compassionate person, who has confidence and depth and is empoweredand gentle.