Who is the Charismatic Adventurer?

Who is the Charismatic Adventurer?

Being a Charismatic Adventurer means embracing the new. It means loving change and being discerning about when you are changing for the sake of change, or when you are embracing change because it is an improvement, a moving forward. You teach us how not to fear change and how to embrace new ideas. You show us that moving forward is fun and that the status quo can be improved upon.

Special gifts and greatness of the Charismatic Adventurer: one who is bold and social and gets excited.

Who is your Charismatic Sun Child?
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Who is your Charismatic Sun Child?

Your Charismatic Sun Child is a charismatic person who is brave, sensing, always growing and independent.

What does this mean to you as a parent, how can you help them reach for their greatness and shine brightly?

Their sparkle superpower is how they interact with the world, and knowing this contributes to understanding your child at a deep level.

Matching vibration for Sun children, those with a Charismatic SolePath
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Matching vibration for Sun children, those with a Charismatic SolePath

Children with a Charismatic SolePath are our Sun Children, and they are bright and aware. The Sun is a star around which the planets revolve, and Sun Children have a way of being dazzling and the centre of attention.

There are certain physical items that have the same energy as the Sun Child, things that vibrate at their wavelength. And these provide a wonderful, positive, lifelong addition throughout their life.

Sun children have a special colour, a unique gemstone, their own essential oil, a shape, an animal instinct, and a musical instrument that enhances their energy and helps them feel great.

The nature of Charismatic Sun Children.
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The nature of Charismatic Sun Children.

Children with a Charismatic SolePath are our Sun Children. They are bright and aware. The Sun is a star around which the planets revolve, and Sun Children have a way of being dazzling and the centre of attention.

The superpower of the Sun Child is Sparkle. This means that they are a charismatic person who is brave, sensing, always growing and independent.

Knowing your child’s SolePath helps you uncover their learning style, thinking style, creative process, how they experience time, and their connection to the Tao.

All of this contributes to understanding your child at a deep level and helps you to become the best parent you can be, a parent who provides a happy, loving and nurturing environment.