Showing all 9 results

  • In the Feng Shui Zone by Dr. Debra Ford

    “In the Feng Shui Zone” by Dr. Debra Ford Msc.D


    “In the Feng Shui Zone” is a practical, simple and easy to follow guide to getting your space balanced. In Zone Feng Shui, it is understood that the energy of a space, where you live and work, has a profound impact on your personal energy. When you focus on your space using the tools and techniques of Zone Feng Shui, you balance energy. When you remove energy blockages you allow a clear flow of energy and this creates balance in your life.

    In this book you will learn how to remove negative energy from your space and how to enhance the energy of your space to create the life changes that you desire. By moving the energy in your space, the energy outside of you, you move the energy within you and create change.

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  • Kit: Space Clearing Tools


    Space clearing transforms the energy of a space by eliminating negative energy that has built up over time. Removing this negative energy creates an environment in which it is easier to live in your LightPaths

  • SolePath the path to purpose and a beautiful life by Dr. Debra Ford

    “SolePath, the path to purpose and a beautiful life” by Dr. Debra Ford Msc.D


    SolePath, the path to purpose and a beautiful life, written by Dr. Debra Ford Msc.D

    If you are feeling that there is something that you were born to do, some way that you were born to serve, some great truth within you that is uniquely yours and will make a difference to our world; this book is written for you.

    “This book is the story of SolePath and of Debra’s ability to hear the teachings of SolePath. She models for others how this can be done. So that those who read this book are inspired towards their own body of work; the great truth that will be theirs.” Seth

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  • Kit: SolePlan Category Tools


    SolePlan is your whole life experience and includes your SolePath. This toolkit contains tools that resonate with the energy of the SolePlan category.

  • Kit: Seth Category Tools


    Seth, our principle SolePath guide, is single mindedly urging all of us to service. Seth says “SolePath is a teaching that is directional giving a framework to a life incarnation. SolePath is a means for navigation over the course of a lifetime.” This toolkit contains tools that resonate with the energy of the Seth category.

  • Kit: SolePath Category Tools


    SolePath is your path to purpose and a beautiful life; it is who you were born to be; guide to a life filled with happiness, peace, joy and love. This toolkit contains tools that resonate with the energy of the SolePath category.

  • Kit: Spiritual Category Tools


    For our Spiritual SolePaths, who explore beliefs and are really connected, there are healing energy recipes and ingredients on the back of this recipe card. Possibilities for your SolePath journey so that ever day can be better.

    This toolkit contains tools that resonate with the energy of the Spiritual category.

  • Kit: Intuitive Category Tools


    For our intuitive SolePaths, our ideas people, who respond to the world through their gut, there are healing energy recipes and ingredients on the back of this recipe card. Possibilities for your SolePath journey so that ever day can be better.

    This toolkit contains tools that resonate with the energy of the Intuitive category.

  • Kit: Intellectual Category Tools


    For our Intellectual SolePaths, our world’s great minds who respond to the world with rational, logical thought, there are healing energy recipes and ingredients on the back of this recipe card. Possibilities for your SolePath journey so that every day can be better.