Showing all 2 results

  • SoleNumbers Energetic Guide to Purpose. Find your wings. Get your SoleNumber.

    Your Amazing SoleNumber


    Your Amazing SoleNumber

    Giving language to inherent personality characteristics that are a natural way of being for you and bringing happiness and meaning to your life. Guiding and giving you clear direction, and also highlighting personality characteristics to resist and activities to stay away from.

    You receive priceless insights such as personality characteristics, learning and thinking style, wellness secrets, key success factors, affirming and limiting beliefs and so much more.

    Ps…don’t forget to check that your birthdate is listed correctly on your submission form. Fees are in Canadian Dollars.

  • SoleNumbers Resume


    P2RE – Page Two Resume Essentials

    Your FastTracK to Landing the Perfect Job

    SoleNumbers verifies Real Skills – the gifts and greatness of character and personality – the intrinsic competitive advantage that you bring to the job. P2RE is everything you need to write a compelling resume.

    You receive:

    Your gifts and greatness
    Careers best suited
    Language and your essential character
    Positive actions to take for your best life
    Key success factors
    Guidelines for crafting an extraordinary resume
    Example of a Page 2 Resume

    Ps…don’t forget to check that your birthdate is listed correctly on your submission form. Fees are in Canadian Dollars.