Photograph and Personal Information

You are back with us and this is where we guide you through uploading the photograph of your animal and completing the form with the relevant information about you and your pet.

Not only are you about to find out your pet’s SolePath PEPI but your pet will also be inducted into the SolePath Institute animal library of records. We are excited!

You are going to upload the photo of your animal first. Choose a photo that you think really shows the true character of your animal; after all, your pet will be in the SolePath Institute animal library of records. It can be a headshot or a full body shot as long as there is only your pet in the photo.

True likeness photo of your pet

Next we need this short form to be completed…

Pet Name
Type of Pet
Pets gender at birth

The following information is about the animal’s primary caregiver…

First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Your Date of Birth - we will use this to uniquely identify your pet in the frequent case of pets with the same name.
The Country you live in (optional)
If you want to share your animal’s SolePath PEPI with someone, we would be happy to send them a copy of your pet’s animal library of records certificate.
Person to Share SolePath Energy Analysis with (optional)
Email of person to share SolePath Energy Analysis with (optional)
Second Person to Share SolePath Energy Analysis with (optional)
Second Email of person to share SolePath Energy Analysis with (optional)

SolePath Terms of Service:

Yes, it is true ...
  • You have my permission to complete the SolePath pet energetic personality imprint (PEPI) of my pet.
  • I hold SolePath and the SolePath Institute free from any liability for actions or consequences resulting from the use of the information supplied in the SolePath pet energetic personality imprint (PEPI).
  • I give my express permission for you to send to me electronic messages.
  • I agree to the SolePath Business Terms and Conditions including the SolePath Privacy Protection Policy.
By clicking ‘let’s go!’ it means I am ready and agree to all of the legal stuff.