Wonderful anecdotes from others who have ordered their SolePath energy analysis and our SolePath mentoring sessions; real life, true examples of the difference that SolePath has made. Where needed, names have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals.

There have been some big shifts in my life that have made me much more happy and feeling balanced in life. And, I attribute those shifts directly to the last coaching session we had! I have not only changed jobs but have shifted entire careers.

The last time we spoke you encouraged me to think about what else as an Inspirational Manager and Compassionate Healer I could contribute to for work….and the first thing that came to mind was Marketing. Without me looking for it, a position came to me – and I am now the Marketing and Development Specialist at a non-profit that provides health and social services to low-income, homeless and uninsured. It feels amazing to work for an organization that makes such a positive difference in the community. (!)
With appreciation! Liz

Since I discovered my SolePath, I have had such a different direction in life. I have much more confidence in knowing that I am who I am, and that is enough! It is an amazing feeling and I would love to share that with others.

I would like to extend my gratitude to you both for the gift of Solepath. I am currently working with Celeste Needham on my Solepath journey. My experience thus far has brought forth clarity, stability and a trust that is guiding me back on my path into expansive light. I feel a sweet lifting and greater understanding of my connection to Self and Source through the work I have been able to do and look forward to the steadiness and expansion that is unfolding. I am blessed to be in this space of learning and receptivity of the power of Solepath.
with deep thanks,

For me, it’s like I’ve always had my dreams and my life planned out and have done everything to reach my goals … but, being in my LightPaths brings the unexpected in delightful ways. Knowing my SolePath makes me think that no matter where I am, or what I am doing … it’s my LightPath that needs to be tuned into for my joy. It’s internal.

Listen to Liz’s testimonial
Liz testimonial

The teachings of SolePath provided me with both confirmation and permission to pursue a path of value and meaning. I now have an internal compass that enables me to choose in the direction of my light and not only feel incredibly joyful, but also of service. The teaching has come at such a crucial time, when we can no longer afford to search for our light. We need to live it.

Listen to Tanis’ testimonial
Tanis Testimonial

SolePath has been very helpful in understanding what makes me joyful. I can now listen to my intuition and hear when I need to take a break from my everyday duties and do something that speaks to me of my passion and path. I am conscious, when making big decisions in my life, to ensure that it fits with my soul’s path.

Listen to Brady’s testimonial
Brady Testimonial

Thank you so much for your (SolePath Energy) analysis! I must admitt it took me a few days to see the light since your analysis of my LightPaths was so far off from how I perceived myself. But then it hit me – that’s why I am unhappy and not content with my life (work and social) and that I have to rethink myself to follow my Lightpath.Funny though the Dark Path I could relate to right away!Thank you so much. Now I have to be brave to make the changes!

Listen to Antje’s Testimonials
Antje Testimonial copy

SolePath builds healthy communication in relationships. It provides a new and interesting context in which you can understand and relate to your partner in exciting ways. I found my SolePath Energy Analysis for me and my partner to be as useful as couples counseling, for the fresh view point it offers not only of yourself, but also of the one you love!
~Curran Watts, Atmapuri-Project

Listen to Curran’s Testimonial
Curran Testimonial

I was caught off guard at that moment of emotion. Some truths run deep. The awareness of moving toward beauty and possibility has been a beacon through the dark and has so much strength and light for me. It’s like a flashing sign saying, “go that way”. What you have shared is a gift.

With each continued experience the fullness of the work you are doing takes my breath away.
Striving to live purposefully,

Listen to Céleste’s testimonial
Celeste testimonial