Essential Oil: Ylang ylang & Sage – Spiritual SolePath


Essential oils are extracted from plants. Their beauty and magic comes from the energy of the plants, trees, shrubs and flowers. Essential oils are a way for plants to share their healing and cleansing energy with us.

Ylang ylang connects you to your true self, your higher self. When Spirituals use ylang ylang they find balance and peace. Use Ylang ylang for wisdom and spiritual connection

  • 4 equal payments, 25% due immediately. 25% paid every 2 weeks.
    Pay Deposit : $8.50

    4 equal payments, 25% due immediately. 25% paid every 2 weeks.

    Payment Date Amount
    May 7, 2024 $8.50
    May 21, 2024 $8.50
    June 4, 2024 $8.50


Ylang ylang & Sage – the essential oil for the Spiritual SolePath.

In Feng Shui, this essential oil resonates with the Wisdom & Spirituality zone, and the mountain trigram.

Add 6 to 9 drops to a spritzer bottle filled with filtered water. Lightly spritz around the space. The water revitalizes the space and the essential oil adds the energy of the plant.

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